
Irish Bishops Pastoral Letter on Immigration

Message from Fr Michael Moynihan

Dear Parishioner,
We are people of hope. We hope for fine weather, hope for good health, hope for peace throughout the world.  The Christian faith offers hope.  Especially during these days of Holy week and Easter. The message is that Jesus died for us so that we might have a new approach to life believing in Him. The story of Jesus did not end on the Cross.  Here is a list of times for the Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies in the four parishes of Corca Dhuibhne.  I extend a word of invitation and encouragement to all to attend the Holy Week Ceremonies. As we journey through Holy Week in the liturgy, in a most extraordinary way it makes those wonderful happenings of the events surrounding the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, present to us in real time. They become present to us in the here and now. This is brought home to us in our celebration of the Eucharist where time past, present and future come together on our altar and, through one of God’s greatest gifts, we are present at all three of them. We will witness his Agony in the Garden, we will observe his betrayal by one of his close followers, we will view his trial and his scourging, we will accompany him on his journey to the Hill of Calvary. We will be there when he is nailed to the Cross and we will gaze on him in his last agony. We will honour him in the moment of his death and we will accompany his body to the tomb in the hillside. And then we will wait. We will wait and then with Mary Magdalene we will go to the tomb early in the morning to find it empty, coming to the realisation that Jesus is risen from the dead. And then our joy will be complete.

Holy Thursday Walk for Water in solidarity with the people for whom running water is a distant dream. People are invited to join in the Walk for Water, leaving St Mary’s Church at 2.30pm, walking as far as Garfiney Bridge. Please bring a bottle to bring back some water.

Prayer around the Cross will take place on Good Friday from 7.00pm to 10.30pm in St Mary’s church, dingle, beginning at 7.00pm with Stations of the Cross.

Tuesday, April 2nd is the100th anniversary of the installation of the Harry Clarke-Stained Glass Windows in An Díseart. To mark the occasion, Mass will be celebrated in An Diseart Chapel on Tuesday 2nd April at 10am.

Today Trócaire works in partnership with local and church organisations, supporting communities in over 20 developing countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East to bring about lasting change. Your continued support is much appreciated.

Fear is the deafening sound of war. Love is the hand that quietens it
Fear is the voice that is never heard. Love is breaking the silence
Fear is the truth that is locked in the dark. Love is the courage that feeds it
Fear is the hunger that starves all hope. Love is the food that feeds it.
As long as pain exists, as long as suffering is here, we will stay.
Trócaire. Until love conquers Fear.

 Wishing you all Gods blessings in the lead up to Easter and the joy of the Risen Christ throughout the Easter Season

Fr Michael


A Prayer for the Synod in Rome

Holy Spirit, breath of Pentecost, you send us to proclaim Christ and to welcome into our communities those who do not yet know him. Come down, we pray, upon the participants of the Synod and upon all who are present in this church, filling them with your wisdom and courage in order to be servants of communion and bold witnesses of your forgiveness in today’s world! We make this prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Yours in Christ
Fr Michael

Mary’s Meals
Rota to July 2024
Guidelines for Ministers of The Word
Supporting your Parish

*10am Mass on Radio Kerry each Sunday morning from Our Lady and St. Brendan’s Church, Tralee.
When logging on for Mass set some time aside, free of distractions.  Maybe light a candle. Try to resist the temptation to do household chores as you follow the Mass.

Rosary Prayers

Annascaul Parish is a grouping  of families and individuals from Annascaul, Camp and Inch communities who strive to live out the Gospel message. The Gospel gives meaning, direction and hope to our lives. We believe that Christ came that we might have life and have it to the full.

We are in the Corca Dhuibhne Pastoral Area which covers the Parishes of Annascaul, Baile an Fheirtéaraigh, Castlegregory and Dingle.

Our Parish has three Churches:

  • Church of The Sacred Heart, Annascaul
  • St. Mary’s Church, Camp:
  • St. Joseph’s Church, Inch 

Moderator: Fr Michael Moynihan           Secretary: Joan Sayers

Parish Office is located in the Presbytery on Station Road, Annascaul.

Annascaul Parish Office Hours:

Monday        : 10am – 1pm (Except Bank Holidays)
Wednesday  : 10am – 1pm
Fridays         : 10am – 4pm

Contacts: Telephone No.: 066 9157103 (Parish Office)       In Emergency please telephone 066 9151208

                                                  email address: 

Items for inclusion in the Weekly Newsletter to be in Office by 12noon on Thursdays

Please contact Parish Office to book Masses, weddings, baptisms etc.

If you have moved into  our Parish recently and wish to find out more about us, please feel free to contact us. 

Safeguarding Children Parish Policy
The Parish of Annascaul which comprises the communities of Annascaul, Camp and Inch value and encourage the participation of children and young people in parish liturgies and in activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional and social development.

We recognise the dignity and the rights of all children are committed to their protection and support. In keeping with this we will work to do all in our power to create safe environments for children and young people in order to secure their protection and enable their full participation in the life of the church
Safeguarding Children  Contact number is: 087 6362780

For Diocesan Safeguarding Children Policy :

Passport Michael Moynihan

Fr Michael Moynihan PP is Parish Moderator of Annascaul Parish. Together with the other Priests in the Corcha Dhuibhne Pastoral Area, Fr Eamonn Mulvihill PP Castlegregory and Fr Eugene Kiely PP Ballyferriter, he will minister to the Pastoral and Sacramental needs of the people of Annascaul Parish.
The Presbytery, Green Street, Dingle, Co Kerry
Telephone No.: 066 9157103 (Parish Office)        Email address:


*Newsletter 30th March 2025        Fourth Sunday of Lent 2025

*Newsletter  23rd March 2025       Third Sunday of Lent 2025

*Newsletter 16th March 2025         Second Sunday of Lent 2025

 Parish News:

*Message from Bishop Ray, 10 August 2020 :  Pastoral Care of Annascaul Parish  

In the recent Diocesan changes, I have appointed Fr Michael Moynihan, Parish Priest of Dingle, as Moderator (Administrator) of Annascaul parish. He will work with the other Priests in the Corcha Dhuibhne Pastoral Area, including Fr Eamonn Mulvihill PP Castlegregory and Fr Eugene Kiely PP Ballyferriter. Together, they will minister to the Pastoral and Sacramental needs of the people of Annascaul Parish. While every effort will be made to maintain the existing service, nevertheless it is important to realise that with fewer priests and more demands on them, it is inevitable that there will be changes affecting all parishes. During the months ahead there will be consultation and planning regarding the future Pastoral Care of Annascaul Parish within the Pastoral Area.

Fr John O’Donoghue (Missionaries of Africa) and Fr Donal O’Connor (Chaplain in ITTralee) will be ministering in Annascaul Parish until Christmas 2020.

I wish to thank Fr John, Fr Donal and the Priests of the Pastoral Area for their commitment to the people of Annascaul Parish and the wider Corcha Dhuibhne Pastoral area.

Yours in Christ,      + Ray Browne.  10 August 2020.

* Pioneer Total Abstinence Association:   Pioneers: In 1898, Father Cullen founded the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association of The Sacred Heart.  Pioneers are ordinary people who :

(1) Abstain from Alcohol - to make reparation to Christ for the sins of intemperance; - to express their concern for the conversion of excessive drinkers; - to make themselves free and independent of alcohol in order to be of service to others; - to show be example that temperance, indeed total abstinence, is possible even for an Irishman! 

(2) Recite twice daily the brief Pioneer Offering: For thy greater glory and consolation O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for Thy sake to give good example to practice self-denial to make reparation to Thee for the sins of intemperance and for the conversion of excessive drinkers, I will abstain for life from all intoxicating drinks.    (3) Wear the Emblem of Christ's Heart, the symbol of the unfailing love and mercy of Christ for us.

The H.S.E. has asked to publish the following telephone number:

1life Suicide Helpline - 1800 24 7 100; Text 'Help' to 51444 for 1 to 1 support; Website




St Mary’s Church Camp None 6.15 every other Saturday

See Rota

St Josephs Church, Inch None None 10.ooam every other Sunday
See Rota
Church of the Sacred Heart, Annascaul Each Friday morning at 10.00am* 7.30 pm Vigil none  7.30 Vigil Mass

*In the event of a Funeral in Annascaul or Dingle Parish this Mass may be cancelled.

Mass RotaToAugust2022