Catholic School’s Week

This year Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is celebrated from Sunday, January 31st until Saturday, February 6th 2016.  CSW is an all-Ireland annual event which invites Catholic schools to give expression in a special way to the ethos of Catholic education.  This expression is carried out through liturgies, music, art and prayer.

Picture Above: Bishop Ray Brown with Diocesan Advisor Tomas Kenny, the Principal and Chaplain of Boherbue Comprehensive, Mary O’ Keeffe and Fiona O’ Donaghue, Parish Priest, Fr. Seamus Kennelly and clergy from Cloyne Diocese, celebrating Catholic Schools Week 2016 at Boherbue Comprehensive School.

To mark CSW throughout the Diocese of Kerry, Bishop Ray Browne visited two Post-Primary schools; Mercy Mounthawk, Tralee and Boherbue Comprehensive.   Bishop Ray would like to extend a sincere thank-you to the principals, staff and students of both schools for extending such a warm welcome to him.

Picture Above: Sinéad Muldoon (Choir Director, Mercy Mounthawk, Tralee) Noreen Somers (R.E. teacher), Tomás Kenny (D.A.) and Fr. Patsy Lynch, celebrating Catholic Schools Week at Mercy Mounthawk, Tralee

Mercy Mounthawk held a prayer service with up to 150 fifth year students attending.  Members of staff and a number of the Mercy Order were also took part.  The principal, Mr John O’ Rourke welcomed all and spoke briefly about the meaning of CSW and why we celebrate it as we do.  After the main prayer service a number of the students made their way to the school oratory where all walked through the school’s Door of Mercy.  In the oratory the bishop blessed each student and then all proceeded to the school grounds to plant a tree to mark the event.  Many thanks to Ms Ellen McKenna, Coordinator of Religious Education at Mercy Mounthawk for her excellent organization and hard work in making it such a special service.

Picture Above: Students from Boherbue Comprehensive providing music for the service to celebrate Catholic Schools Week

At Boherbue Comprehensive the students from fourth and first year gathered in the school library.  The service included music from the school choir and traditional musicians, liturgical mime, reflection and readings.  The students hung symbols, highlighting ways to show mercy, on a special tree used as a central focus for the service.  Bishop Ray spoke about the theme of Mercy and emphasized how mercy is at the heart of school life and Catholic education.  A big thank you to Ms Mary O’ Keeffe, principal and to Ms Fiona O’ Donoghue, chaplain for all their hard work and organization.

Picture Above: Readers and Mime Artists from Boherbue Comprehensive who took part in the Catholic Schools Week service

This year the theme for the week is; “Catholic Schools: Challenged to Proclaim God’s Mercy”.   Helpful resources from the Irish Bishops website can be viewed at: