When the first days of May bring both warm bright sunshine and widespread sadness, it seems a contradiction. That is our reality in Kerry diocese. Fr Pat Moore, in his sixtieth year, in a matter of hours weakened and died. Amid the abundant green growth of early Summer, his earthly life ended.
For two years he has lived with his illness, living with deep faith and much courage and serenity. It has not been easy for him. In sickness he was an inspiration to many, he embodied Christian hope in God. We did not realise that his death would come so soon.
Fr Pat was gifted with the ability to tune in to every person’s story. He was naturally both a deep thinker and very spiritual. He had a wonderful sense of the people and traditions, the culture and wisdom of his own native North Kerry. It is amazing how many people his life touched. And always he witnessed to and proclaimed the loving presence of Christ, the Son of God, he who is our Saviour.
Fr. Pat lived a full life. His thirty five years of service as a priest was truly a fruitful life. His life inspires us as this weekend we celebrate ‘Vocations Sunday’, focusing on the call to full-time service in the Church as priests and religious, apostolic and contemplative.
Our sympathy to all who mourn him, – especially the Moore family and the diocesan family, the people of Duagh, Lyrecompane and Asdee.
We thank God for Fr Pat’s life. We entrust him to the goodness, love and mercy of God Our Father. May Christ be a light in the darkened lives of all who mourn him. May Fr Pat Rest in Peace.
Blessed are the poor in spirit;
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed the gentle;
they shall have the earth for their heritage.
Blessed the merciful;
they shall have mercy shown them.
Bishop Ray Browne 4th May 2017.