Horizons Summer Schedule

1st July      Drishane Sister Frances Day  Look back over the years as Chaplain to Cork and Kerry Schools                


8th July     Fr Pat Ahern   50 years of Siamsa and a lot more besides

Pat solo

15th July    AnneMarie Whelan The Lay Vocation


22nd July    Sr Joan Roddy     A journey of Justice and Peace



29th July     Church of Ireland in West Kerry   Visiting three West Kerry Church Communities with Rev.Phyllis



5th August    Darach O Murchú Slow and Steady wins the Race

Darach tells of his return to West Kerry and his engagement with the environment, seaweed and foraging.


12th August    Fr George Hayes 25 years of Priesthood including roles as Diocesan Secretary, Parish Priest and Trainer in Clerical Formation.IMG_3229


19th August    Breda Joy – journalist, author and Killarney woman explores her involvement with Church and her writing.IMG_3007


26th August    Meeting Pope Francis with Fr. Bernard Healy, Aileen Murphy and Sylvia Thompson

File pope