Greetings to all in our diocese, young and old, those in the best of health and those with real health issues. I pray for you all each day. Let us continue to pray for each other. Let us unite our prayers with all the prayers and Masses being celebrated by our priests in every parish. Let us journey together in the weeks ahead, – supporting one another. God journeys with us.
A word of appreciation for all who are giving great selfless service in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Think of all the medical and health staff, all the public services, think of the supermarkets and the pharmacies. In these most difficult times, the dedication of so many selfless, generous people inspires us all.
A special word of praise for the volunteers and the good neighbours. Many elders rely on a family member or a neighbour to do all their grocery shopping. We can keep in contact with people by phone.
- It is great that we now have Sunday Mass on Radio Kerry. A thousand thanks to them. Also there is daily Mass each day at 10.30 am on the RTE News Now channel.
- That we might feel united rather than isolated, I have suggested that all of us pause each Sunday morning at 11am and spend a few minutes in prayer.
- Many people are saying the Rosary, or a decade of the Rosary each day. Fear and worry get to us all, moments of prayer each day can give us calm, give us a sense that God is with us and He cares.
I would like to share a thought about Christian hope. In the weeks ahead I believe that HOPE in God will be vital for us all.
- Hope is “the attitude to ‘life’s challenges and troubles’ that a person with faith in Jesus has”.
- Hope tells us to do our best each day and trust in God to do the rest, – to bring us safely through.
- Hope tells us that, there is nothing can happen in our lives today that we cannot cope with, with the help of God.
- St Paul: “I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.”
All of us are troubled and worried by Covid-19 – worried for ourselves, for our families, our loved ones; for our communities for our country. What will tomorrow bring?
- When we feel upset and worried, turn to Jesus Christ; He is Risen and with us; put your HOPE in him.
- It is a simple piece of wisdom: The best preparation for what will come my way tomorrow is to live today well. Live today well, be at peace, leave tomorrow in God’s hands.
A final, important word, I encourage everyone to follow 100% the recommendations the experts are giving us. They are the experts, they know best.
God bless all of us as together we journey through the days and weeks ahead. God journeys with us. God bless especially the children and the elders among us. May we support one another in every way we can.
Our Lady, help of the sick, Pray for us.
Our Lady, queen of peace, Pray for us.
+ Ray Browne
Feast of the Annunciation.