On Sunday 7th August Mark Moriarty was ordained to the Diaconate, thereby entering the last stage in his journey to Priesthood for the diocese of Kerry. Deacons are called to do the will of God generously and to serve Him and others in love and joy.
Mark has become an official minister of the church, co-worker with the bishop, priests and laity in the service of God and the people. The newly-ordained deacon is appointed to assist at the altar, to administer the Sacrament of Baptism, to assist at and bless marriages and to perform many other functions in the name of the Church.
The sun shone for Mark. It was a beautiful and uplifting ceremony in the Cathedral, with music arrangements primarily by Irish artists, performed under the direction of Dr.Sharon Lyons.
Refreshments followed on the grounds of St. Brendan’s College. Our prayers are with Mark in his ministry.