The NFPTAI has been organising courses to train and support teachers in the Sympto-Thermal Double Check (STDC) Method of Natural Family Planning (NFP) since 1988.
The STDC method of family planning is 98.2% effective in preventing and in achieving a pregnancy, when the couple is properly instructed and motivated.
NFP values a couple’s fertility and this method has been proven to lead to a greater mutual respect and deepening of married love and is in keeping with Catholic teaching on human sexuality and family life.
A member of our organisation would be delighted to give a presentation on the benefits of NFP in your diocese at your request.
For couples to be successful in using this method they require instruction by a qualified teacher.
To become a qualified teacher a person would have to attend a course of lectures followed by a period of supervised teaching of couples in natural family planning.
The next course in Fertility Awareness run by The Natural Family Planning Teachers Association of Ireland (NFPTAI) will be in City North Hotel, Stamullen, Co Meath (just off the M1) in January 2024
with a blended learning model of remote theory lectures and in-person tutorials on charting.
The course is open to everyone and is accredited by the European Institute for Family Life Education www.ieef.eu
All of our lecturers and tutors give of their time voluntarily, but unfortunately we still need to charge a minimum of €320 / £275 per trainee to cover costs.
The Diocese of Kerry will considering sponsoring the course fee for an applicant resident in the diocese.
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