The Word was made flesh, he lived among us,
And we saw his glory,
the glory that is his as the only Son of the Father,
full of grace and truth. Jn 1:14
Dia dhiabh. Nollaig Shona dhiabh go léir. A happy and faith-filled Christmas to one and all. Christmas is a time to count our blessings and rejoice. Think of and give thanks for all that is good in all the communities and parishes of our diocese. Thank you to the priests and all in our parishes; thank you to all our school communities. Thank you to all involved in voluntary groups: in sport, in the arts, in social care, – so many wonderful things are happening everywhere. From the local media, print, radio and online, again and again we realise the wonderful voluntary bodies present in our communities. Long may it continue. Sincere thanks to all the volunteers involved.
It is wonderful that Christmas continues to be a family celebration in Ireland. Families celebrate together, family members love to ‘be home for Christmas’. Children grow up with fond memories of Christmas at home. I encourage all families to share their faith with their children through the story of Christmas. The birth of Jesus both fulfilled and revealed the loving plans of God the Father for all peoples. Jesus reveals that God is love, Jesus has offered us the gift of eternal life. May a simple family crib have a special place in your home.
This year we cannot ignore the fact that many families in Ireland lack the basics required to have a happy Christmas. Thousands of individuals, couples and families are spending another Christmas without a home of their own. Many adults are exhausted by the year-round struggle to earn sufficient money to pay the ordinary bills that arise for a family. Many living among us find themselves far from their families and homeland this Christmas. For those struggling and almost despairing, may the scene in the stable of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus give hope and comfort.
In the Church, in tune with the ancient biblical tradition, 2025 will be a Jubilee Year, a Holy Year. A Jubilee year is held every twenty-five years in celebration of the Christmas event, the Incarnation, the Birth of Jesus Christ. In all our parishes we will celebrate the opening of the jubilee year on Sunday 29th December, the Feast of the Holy Family. For 2025 Pope Francis has chosen the theme, ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. Pilgrimage points to life as a journey, a journey in search of meaning and fulfilment, a fulfilment that is to be found in our relationship with Jesus Christ. The following from the writings of Pope Francis speaks to us all of Christian hope:
“Dear sister, dear brother, even if in your heart you have buried hope, do not give up: God is greater. Darkness and death do not have the last word. Be strong, for with God nothing is lost! The first Christians depicted hope as an anchor. Hope was an anchor fixed to the shores beyond. …
The message of hope should not be confined to our sacred places but should be brought to everyone. For everyone is in need of reassurance, … How beautiful it is to be Christians who offer consolation, who bear the burdens of others and who offer encouragement: messengers of life in a time of death!
In every Galilee, in every area of the human family to which we all belong and which is part of us – for we are all brothers and sisters – may we bring the song of life! Let us silence the cries of death, no more wars! May we stop the production and trade of weapons, since we need bread not guns. Let the abortion and killing of innocent lives end. May the hearts of those who have enough be open to filling the empty hands of those who do not have the bare necessities. …”
Put the crib scene, the birth of Jesus, at the centre of your Christmas. Let it remind you of how God ‘loved the world so much, that he gave his only Son’ (Jn 3:16), and that all of us have so much to be grateful for. May God’s goodness to us inspire in us goodness towards others.
‘Glory to God in the highest heaven,
And peace to all people who enjoy his favour.’ (Lk: 2.14)
Our Lady, Queen of Peace, intercede for peace for the whole world.
Le gach dea-ghuí, í gcomhair na Nollag.
Every Christmas blessing on all in our communities.
+ Ray Browne
Diocese of Kerry
Christmas 2024