Upcoming Parish Workshops

The 10 parish workshops will take place from Monday March 3rd.

Each evening there will be two workshops – the first workshop at 7.00pm and the second workshop at 8.30pm.

You may attend one, or more.

Meeting ID 870 2468 9783

The link for all parish workshops is here: Link for Parish Workshops

 Monday March 3rd 7.00pm                       Community led prayer in the church

Exploring different occasions when lay people could lead public prayer in the church.

Monday March 3rd 8.30pm                       Planning for special liturgy moments

Exploring liturgy moments that connect with harder- to-reach groups. This action offers an opportunity for liturgy groups to explore, prioritise and plan for such moments for the year ahead.

Tuesday March 4th 7.00pm                       Walking with Families

Exploring a discussion programme on the relevance of faith for parents of Confirmation children.

Tuesday March 4th 8.30pm                       Parish door-to-door

Exploring a systematic door-to-door visitation by teams of parishioners to offer an information pack on parish and wider community services and activities.

Wednesday March 5th 7.00pm               Annual celebration night for volunteers

Exploring a night for parish volunteers that provides an opportunity to hear how they are doing, thank them for their work and encourage them for the year ahead.

Wednesday March 5th 8.30pm               Enhance communications

This initiative provides a workshop and resources to review and improve communication strategies within the parish.

Thursday March 6th 7.00pm                   Church Environment – Irish Bishops’ 30-30

Exploring a practical programme of action taken by parishes to dedicate 30% of parish grounds to nature by the year 2030. This is an environmental initiative by the bishops of Ireland in response to Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si (Praise be to you).

Thursday March 6th 8.30pm                 Monthly cup of tea after Mass

Exploring an organised monthly cup of tea in the church area immediately after Mass on a set day (e.g. first Sunday of month).

Monday March 10th 7.00pm                Ministry of Altar Servers

Exploring the assistance of the priest at Mass and other liturgical ceremonies by a group of trained primary school children.

Monday March 10th 8.30pm             Promoting social action          

Exploring the establishment of a social action group in the parish linked to national bodies – in this case St Vincent de Paul Society, Active Retirement, and Men’s Sheds.

Each of the workshops will be recorded and will be available on the diocesan YouTube channel from March 11th.