Lent 2025 has begun

As we begin our Lenten journey, we prepare for the weeks ahead. God says to each of us, ‘Come back to me with all your heart’……we might ask ourselves how we do that this Lent. Perhaps I have already made a decision of what my Lenten promises will look  – we are invited to express this through giving to charity, through fasting and through prayer.

This year, Trócaire invites us into the lives of people in Guatemala. Their lives have been greatly impacted through flooding and storms. You can read more about it here – Ilma and Julio’s family

Trocaire Resource 2025_web

As you pray during Lent, you might find it helpful to be supported by others in this online praying space:



Lenten Calendar – Year C

Lenten Prayers



Other Resources

Lenten Service – Bernard Cotter


carbon fast lent

Communal Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Doing Lent as a team – USCCB