
Sunday 2nd June 2024Our Parish is a group of families and individuals who strive to live out the Gospel message. The Gospel gives meaning, direction and hope to our lives. We believe that Christ came that we might have life and have it to the full. If you are new to our Parish community and would like to find out more about us please feel free to contact us.

Priest: Fr. Martin Spillane            

Address: The Presbytery, Brosna, Tralee, Co Kerry              


Tel no: 068 44112


We have two churches in the parish.

  • The Church of St. Carthage, Brosna  
  • Our Lady of the Assumption, Knockaclarig 


St. Carthage's Church

St Carthage’s Church. Brosna

The Church of the Assumption, Knockaclarig


Baptisms are at  pre-arranged times.

Church Notices must be in for 2.00pm on Friday please

Recent Events:

The Crib in Brosna Church

The Christmas Crib in Knockaclarig

St Carthage’s Church, Brosna at Christmas

Fr. Martin planted and blessed a yew tree in the grounds of Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Knockaclarig on Sunday 16th October 2021.

David O’Connor prepared the ground for the tree planting in Knockaclarig.


A holly tree was planted and blessed by Fr. Martin on the grounds of St Carthage’s Church to mark the Season of Creation on 2nd October 2021

The Presentation Sisters, Castleisland were invited to Brosna Church on 11th May 2019 for the unveiling of a plaque to acknowledge their generous gifts to the parish.




Fr. Martin Spillane
The Presbytery
Tel: 068 44112



Sunday 30th June 2024

Sunday 23rd June 2024

Sunday 16th June 2024

Sunday 9th June 2024

Sunday 2nd June 2024


































































































































































































































































St Carthage, Brosna As announced 7.00pm   As announced
Our Lady of the Assumption, Knockaclarig  As announced   10.00am  As announced