Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.
Peace I bequeath to you John 14: 27
In common with the whole country today we begin six weeks under Level 5 restrictions. With other leaders in the state and in civil society, I encourage each and every one of you, to hold your heads high, and in a spirit of unity and concern for one another give 100% cooperation regarding the requirements of Level 5 and the basic Public Health Guidelines: social distancing; face covering; washing/sanitising our hands.
This is key to getting the virus under control once more. As a united, loving, caring people, let us give full cooperation to NPHET and our Government.
Level 5 severely restricts our movements and most of our plans are cancelled. Being asked to stay in our own homes as much as possible is very difficult for some. People also have great concerns about their employment or business. Together we face these six weeks, supporting and encouraging one another.
The 1st of December is when Level 5 restrictions are due to end, in time to allow us celebrate Christmas. The true meaning of Christmas is a real and constant source of hope all year round. We draw on that especially now as we face the next six weeks. Remember what the prophet foretold of the child Jesus born to Mary:
He shall be called EMMANUEL a name which means ‘God is with us.’ Mt 1:23
God is with us always. Encourage one another to turn to God and put your trust in him.
Four points to keep in mind that will keep us strong in the weeks ahead.
- Put your trust in God. God our Father is at work in our lives through the Holy Spirit. Turn to him in prayer each day.
- Back in Springtime there were so many wonderful examples in the community of care for each other. Reach out in support to those in your community who need it. Love one another. Think of others.
- Think and speak of the positive more than the negative. The corona virus is forcing us to live quieter, simpler lives. United together, supporting one another, we have sufficient to live good, happy lives. Positive talk lifts our spirits.
- Unite with all in the diocese in prayer, praising God and asking for all the graces we need. Thank God our churches are open for personal prayer. Please continue to sanitise your hands as you enter and exit the church. Join in offering the Mass in whatever way you can, whether by radio, television or online. Pray each day, alone and together and pray as a family. Pray with your children and talk to them of God’s love and care for us all. Hundreds of times in the Bible God’s comforting words are: ‘Be not afraid’.
Our Lady, health of the sick, pray for us. Be assured of my prayers. + Ray Browne 22nd October 2020