Bible Ministry

“Let the Word of Christ in all its richness, find a home with you” Colossians 3:16

1 Enables people to develop a familiarity with and love for the Scriptures
2. Provides resources and on-going formation for Lectio Divina Prayer groups and Bible Groups
3. Trains leaders to lead the Seven Steps Method of praying the Scriptures in their own parish
4. Offers Spring and Autumn Scripture workshops
5. Links with the Diocesan Liturgy Group
6. Actively seeks to develop meaningful links with diocesan and parish bodies/personnel
7. Plans and reviews its work annually and sends a report to the Bishop
Kerry Diocesan Bible Committee:

Groups Meeting in the Diocese of Kerry:

Ballybunion Lectio Divina
Thursday s 8– 9 pm, Sep – Jun
Contact: Carmel Carolan 068 27366

Tralee Scripture Sharing
Our Lady and St. Brendan’s Pastoral Centre – Thursdays 7 – 8 pm Sep – Jun
Contact: Pastoral Centre 066 7125932

Tralee Lectio Divina
KDYS Youth Centre, Denny St. – Thursdays 7.15 – 8.15 pm Sep – June
Contact: Margaret 087 6873208

Castleisland Lectio Divina                                                                                                                                 St. Brigid’s Hall, Tuesdays 3.00 – 4.00pm

Kilcummin Lectio Divina
Parish Church – Tuesdays 8 – 9pm

What is Lectio Divina?

  • Lectio Divina is a way of Praying using the Scriptures. It is not Scripture study or speculation but a listening in faith to God’s Word.
  • Lectio Divina was the normal way of reading the Bible for the first 1,000 years of the Church. It began in the monasteries, especially those following the Rule of Saint Benedict.
  • Lectio Divina is exactly the opposite to speed reading – it invites us to mull over, and chew upon the text
  • Lectio Divina has three key moments Lectio, Meditatio, Oratio – Contemplatio/Actio

Lectio Divina
“ . . . through Lectio Divina we live continually in the presence of God at work in the world . . .”                                                                                                                                                             M de Verteuil Cssp  

Lectio Divina is the most ancient method of bible reading in the Church. In the early Christian centuries it was the source of theology, preaching and prayer. It has continued in the life of the Church but was very much in the background from about the eleventh century. It has come to the fore again in our own time in many parts of the world. The method followed is that taught by Fr Michel de Verteuil CSSp of Trinidad . Lectio Divina (a Latin expression) which means Sacred Reading.

1. Reading (Lectio):
Read the passage slowly and reverently, allowing the words to sink into your conciousness
Clarify the meaning of words or expressions that you are not familiar with – using a commentary or guide
Read and re-read. Savour the words. Divide the text.
Listen attentively to the text and observe the movement of the passage.
Feel free to stay with any portion of the text, being aware that it is possible to meditate deeply on only a small portion of Scripture at any one time.

2. Meditation (Meditatio):
Allow your imagination to work and enter into the text.
Let the passage stir up memories within you so that you can recognise it in your own experience or that of people who have touched your life.
What is written in the Bible is written also in our lives and world. The god who was at work in the Bible is at work in our lives
The questions I ask the passage are What does this remind me of? or Where is this passage being fulfilled?

3. Prayer (Oratio):
Allow the meditation to lead you to prayer – thanksgiving, humility, petition.
When at any stage of Lectio Divina we are moved to pray, we pray
Pray using the actual words of the text
Pope Benedict XVI (Statement encouraging Lectio Divina)

On September 16 th 2005 Pope Benedict met 400 participants of the congress who gathered in Rome to commemorate the 40 th anniversary of ‘Dei Verbum’; the Vatican II document on God’s word.

Below is part of the Pope’s address:
A New Spiritual Springtime –

We are grateful to God in recent times. And thanks to the impact made by the Dogmatic onstitution Dei Verbum, the fundamental importance of the Word of God has been deeply re-evaluated.
From this has derived a renewal of the Church’s life, especially in her preaching, catechesis, theology, and spirituality and even in the ecumenical process.

The Church must be constantly renewed and rejuvenated and the Word of God, which never ages and is never depleted, is a privileged means to attain this goal. Indeed it is the Word of God, through the Holy Spirit, Which always guides us to the whole truth.

In this context I would like to recall and remember the ancient tradition of Lectio Divina: The diligent reading of Sacred Scripture accompanied by prayers brings about that intimate dialogue in which the person reading hears God who is speaking, and in praying, responds to God with trusting openness of heart. If it is effectively promoted, this practise will bring to the church – I am convinced of it – a new spiritual springtime.
As a strong point of biblical ministry, Lecti divina should therefore be increasingly encouraged, also through the use of new methods, carefully thought through and in step with the times. It should never be forgotten that the Word of God is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path
                                                                     Pope Benedict XVI  – 16th September 2005
