Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching is a central and essential element of our faith.  Its roots are in the Hebrew prophets who announced God’s special love for the poor and called God’s people to a covenant of love and justice.

Catholic Social Teaching is included in the Church’s moral teachings and is intimately connected to the spiritual, sacramental, and daily life of discipleship. This teaching is rooted in Scripture, both the Old and New Testament, as well as the living tradition of our Church. Pope Leo XIII began a series of encyclicals beginning with Rerum Novarum, dated May 15, 1891, which has been continued by successive popes, the conference of bishops and national bishop’ conferences to the current day.

Laudato Si’  On Care for Our Common Home is now  added to this and is Pope Francis’ call to all people  to enter into dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. LS#14. CLICK HERE


Catholic Social Teaching Perspectives

This is a  series of videos from the Council for Justice and  Peace of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference entitled Catholic Social Teaching Perspectives. These videos look at some of the questions of social justice and Catholic Social Teaching.CLICK below explored/

The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

Almost 115 years after the publication of Rerum Novarum the Church sought to compile and summarize its modern social teachings. In 2004 the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace published  the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church to summarize and restate the Church’s social teachings to serve as a reference for all Catholics.


A Companion text to the Compendium by Irish priest, Fr. Padraig Corkery, is an excellent starting place.CLICK below

Read Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching  CLICK here
Council for Justice And Peace of the Irish Episcopal Conference  and its Mission statement:
To promote the social dimension of the Gospel with a view to building the civilisation of love.

CLICK HERE for more information

Social Justice Ireland

Fr Seán Healy, S.M.A. and Sr Brigid Reynolds, S.M. are to lead Social Justice Ireland. This organisation will take over the programmes and projects run in recent decades by CORI Justice including its social partnership role. The new organisation has the support of religious and lay people throughout Ireland. It describes itself as “working to build a just society where human rights are respected, human dignity is protected, human development is facilitated and the environment is respected and protected.”

CLICK HERE for more information

Catholic Social Teaching

CLICK HERE for most of the official social teaching documents of the Catholic Church and also a variety of resources to help you explore this rich body of moral teaching.

Social Justice in Catechism of the Catholic Church

CLICK HERE for more information

Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice

An agency of the Irish Jesuit Province, the Centre undertakes social analysis, theological reflection and action in relation to issues of social justice, including housing and homelessness, penal policy, asylum and migration, and international development.

CLICK HERE for more information

Resources on Justice issues

CLICK HERE for resources prepared by the Society of African Missions

CLICK HERE for resources prepared by St. Patrick’s Missionary Society

History of the Diocese of Kerry Justice, Peace & the Integrity of Creation Committee 1998 – 2011 (July) CLICK HERE