Season of Creation 2018

‘The Season Creation’/ Am Cruthaithe  is now the high point of the year’s activities celebrating CREATION in the Diocese of Kerry.


The Season of Creation, running yearly between September 1 and October 4, is that time of the year when 2.2 billion Christians are invited to pray and care for creation.

This year, 2018, the theme is ” Be part of the solution to plastic pollution.”


A small brochure about the theme has been prepared and has been  sent to all parishes and is available here plastic pollution .It outlines why the theme has been chosen, the present reality and actions we can all take.We are People of Hope so together …let’s care for ‘Our Common Home’.

We in JPIC have also organised two events:

Saturday September 1st: World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (Town Park, Tralee 11am)

Wednesday September 19th: Film ‘Plastic in Paradise’ with its maker Vincent Hyland of Derrynane, and a short Recycling Workshop with VOICE Ireland (John Paul II Centre, Killarney at 8pm)



Last year, 2017 the theme was Cherishing God’s Gift of FoodGabh buíochas le Dia as tabhartas an bídh 

Laudato Si’ On Care for our Common Home, the encyclical of Pope Francis is now our guiding document as we respond to his urgent call to care for this ‘common home’.

NCR Readers guide to Laudato Si   A useful resource to explore Pope Francis’ letter in our own landscape, for personal or group reflection , “A Readers’ Guide to Laudato Si” by Thomas Reese s.j.

Here are wonderful Resources from the Catholic Bishops Conference

Here’s a link to  Gospel Reflections  

CLICK HERE to learn more about Laudato Si’ (then scroll down)