
I invite you to listen to and follow Jesus, and to allow yourselves to be transformed interiorly by his words, which ‘are spirit and life’  (Jn 6:62).” “Let us dispose our hearts therefore to being ‘good soil’, by listening, receiving and living out the word, and thus bearing fruit.” “Today too, Jesus lives and walks along the paths of ordinary life in order to draw near to everyone…… I turn now to those who are well disposed to listen to the voice of Christ that rings out in the Church and to understand what their own vocation is.”  – Pope Francis Message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2014


The Lord has a plan for each of us; he calls each one of us by name. Our task is to learn how to listen, to perceive his call, to be courageous and faithful in following him and, when all is said and done, to be found trustworthy servants who have used well the gifts given us.
Pope Benedict XVI

Single life
God calls some people to the single life. The vocation of single Catholics is to represent Christ wherever they are and whatever they do, whether they are businesspeople or typists, truck drivers, or doctors. By the witness of their individual life in the heart of the community and the world, single people express their commitment to the gospel.

In the sacrament of marriage, the love of a wife and husband mirrors the love that God has for us, his people. For those called to married life, it is their relationship with one another that reflects their commitment to the gospel. Living out their lives together, they witness to faithful ongoing love.

Religious life
Some women and men are called to live out their commitment to the gospel in religious communities. Each woman or man takes vows of poverty, celibate chastity and obedience as expressions of their dedication to God. Different religious communities seek to respond to different needs e.g. education, nursing, youth. As members of the particular religious community to which they belong, they devote themselves to following Christ through their particular ministry.

Permanent Diaconate
Some men, single or married, are called to live out their commitment to the gospel by undertaking specific areas of ministry in the Church. The permanent deacon is called to be a sign of Christ in all that he does, but particularly in his service of the ministries of Liturgy, Sacred Scripture and Charity.

The call to priesthood is the call given to some men, to give their life to making Christ’s presence real through the sacraments and especially through the Eucharist. Each priest commits himself either to a diocese, or to a religious order. Diocesan priests work with the people of the parish, co-ordinating the ministry and administration of the parish. CLICK HERE for more information.
In God’s plan, every single person is called upon to grow.
Each life is a vocation.
From birth, each one of us carries within ourselves the seeds of personal growth.
Each one of us can bear fruit proposed for us by God.

David Konstant