Welcome one and all,
Our Parish is a group of families and individuals who strive to live out the Gospel message. The Gospel gives meaning, direction and hope to our lives. We believe that Christ came that we might have life and have it to the full. If you are new to our Parish community and would like to find out more about us please feel free to contact us.

Churches: St. James’ Church, Glenbeigh
St. Stephen’s Church, Glencar
Contact us:
Phone 00353 66 97 68209
email address: glenbeigh@dioceseofkerry.ie
Parish Office: Open Monday,Tuesday & Friday Morning from 11:15 am. to 12:45 am. phone 00 353 66 97 68225
email address Parish Office: glenbeighparish@gmail.com
Please contact the Parish office to book Masses, Weddings, Baptisms and other church events.
The Parish Office is located to the room off the Sacristy. Enter the office by the outside door on the right hand side of the church
Click for Live Church Streaming of St. James’ Church, Glenbeigh
The link for the Web Camera in St. James’ Church Glenbeigh allows people at home who are elderly and people abroad to view live streaming from the church of services which they would have liked to attend but are unable to do so.
Fr. Kieran O Sullivan |
Glenbeigh, |
Co. Kerry V93PR8A |
Presbytery 066-9768209. Parish Office: 066-9768225 |
e-mail: glenbeigh@dioceseofkerry.ie |
See Parish Newsletter for times of weekday Masses
Click for Live Church Streaming of St. James' Church, Glenbeigh
St James Church, Glenbeigh | As announced | 11.30am | As Sunday | |
St Stephens Church, Glencar | As announced | 6.00pm |