
Would you like to light a candle and say a prayer?
Many of you at home are in the habit of lighting candles in the church. The small lit candle reminds us of our prayer intention for a loved family member, or a petition for someone who is sick or going through a difficult time. The candle reminds us of Jesus being the light of the world, and the light that brings hope and courage to our lives. So during these days, you might like to light a candle at home for your prayer intentions….and when you see the light, you are reminded to pray once again for your loved one.

You can also light a candle online, and this may appeal to children. Grow in Love is the primary school faith programme. During this pandemic, the website has been opened up for families. if you would like to say a prayer and light a candle, check out growinlove. The login email, use and the password is growinlove. You can light a candle virtually, read the prayers of others and submit your own prayer. .