
The role of the church sacristan is to prepare the church for prayer and worship. Their role enables all to celebrate the Eucharist and all other liturgies in a dignified and prayerful manner. They bring practicality and order to their preparations. In this way, whichever celebration is to take place, whether it is daily Mass or yearly Confirmation, weekly Baptisms or weddings, the prayer and liturgy of the celebration flows smoothly.

Much of the work of the sacristan is behind the scenes, often unseen or unnoticed. It is the sacristan who makes sure that all is ready, all is prepared, all is where it needs to be, before the prayer or liturgy begins.

The ministry of the sacristan is marked by reverence, as they prepare the church for liturgy and prayer. They also create a sense of welcome and hospitality, and maintain a sense of respect and solemnity.

Inservice Day for all parish sacristans, both full-time and part-time held in Spring each year.

Purpose: To explore their role and provide information which may assist them in their work. It will offer them an opportunity to meet each other and to network. Also, it is also an occasion for Bishop Ray to acknowledge the valuable contribution they make to the life of the diocese.

Draft Handbook for Sacristans 2019