Retreat Centres

Sometimes we need a place apart, a space away from the busyness of our own lives, a place that lends itself to reflection. In the Munster area, we are blessed to have a number of retreat houses, some who offer day or weekend courses, all who allow pilgrims, people who are searching, to take a step back from their own lives, and share their prayer and peace….

  •   Glenstal Abbey, Murroe, Co. Limerick                            CLICK HERE for more information
  •   FCJ Spirituality House, Spanish Point, Co. Clare         CLICK HERE for more information
  •   Mount Melleray Abbey, Cappoquin, Co. Waterford        CLICK HERE for more information
  •   Mount St. Joseph’s Abbey, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary       CLICK HERE for more information
  •   Nano Nagle Centre, Ballygriffin, Mallow, Co. Cork         CLICK HERE for more information

Retreat Houses in Ireland