Classroom Resources

Diocese of Limerick Social Justice Module: Following on from a Social Media campaign last year, the diocese of Limerick has now developed a resource pack on Catholic Social Justice. The pack contains images, ideas for discussion, projects, activities and also points to other resources that might be useful. They have also compiled some prayers, reflections, speeches and poems, all relating to social justice themes which might help you to prepare liturgies or moments of prayer and reflection. They hope that this resource will be useful to you and help you to raise awareness about these important issues. Please feel free to make your own of them!

The link to access these is

Credible Catholic:  Please see the link to the recording of the webinar in case you missed it. Please share with RE teachers and promote the programme in any way you can as it a viable alternative to exam based senior cycle course work:

M.A in Spirituality: Applications are invited for 2 funded (EU fees) places on the unique MA in Applied Spirituality which is awarded by Waterford Institute of Technology and hosted and supported by the Spirituality Institute for Research and Education (SpIRE) in Dublin. The scholarships are funded by All Hallows Trust.

The scholarships are designed to support those who meet the entry requirements for the MA but are limited by finance from taking a place on the programme. It is a requirement that the minor dissertation in the taught MA address some aspect of spiritual care arising from the pandemic.

For further information / application form, contact Director of SpIRE: Dr Michael O’Sullivan; Applications close at the end of March 2022. Places will be allocated after interviews in early April.

Higher Diploma in Theological Studies:

This programme, being offered by St. Patrick’s, Maynooth, will qualify to teach Religious Education and/or be a gateway to a masters in Theology or Pastoral Ministry. It is a Blended Learning H/Dip allowing you to accommodate your studies into your busy life with minimal on-campus experience. More information available at  or direct email or 01 708 3964